How will Japanese convenience stores evolve in the future?
What policy should we have about EVs for the future?
What action should we take to increase Japan voting rate?
Overwork of Yamto Transport
How should we foster financial literacy?
How should the government prohibit racism by law?
How should the Japanese look back on the past and make a good relationship with other countries concerning post-WW2 settlements?
What terminal care system or consensus should we establish in our society (, and how)?
How can we support Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT) people in Japan for their coming out to live a healthy, happy life without the need to live dishonestly?
Is enactment of Conspiracy-bill (An act of preparing to carry out terrorist attach) effective for anti-terrorism measure?
Human trafficking in Japan
How should Japan act in response to the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement?
Will "Sharing economy" be successful in the future?
What relationship should Japanese Government make with new Korean president?
Prohibition of smoking in public places in Japan
Should JASRAC collect copyright fees from music school performances?
Premium Friday : What measures do you think the government can take to realize workers fulfillment?
How can we motivate the Japanese university students?
How should we engage in space exploration in the future?
How can virtual reality shape our world? Would any regulations be necessary?
What can we do to increase female job participation?