
What policy should we have about EVs for the future?

Topic 1:Part-time jobs

Q1. What kinds of part-time jobs have you had? Let’s recall our own experiences. Talking about what purposes you had those jobs for would be interesting as well.

Q2. Do you have any idea of a part-time job that is interesting or impressive? Let’s share what you have heard or read.

Q3. If you were a student, what part-time job would you go for?

Topic 2:What policy should we have about EVs for the future?

Q1. What do you think the pros and cons of shifting to EVs (Electric Vehicles) are? Let’s begin the discussion with the comparison between EVs and conventional engine cars.

Q2. What trend of EVs can we see in the car industry and governments’ policies worldwide? Let’s share examples of what is going on in Japan and overseas.

Q3. What policy should we have about EVs for the future? Do you think the government should push the industry and consumers to sell and buy more EVs with subsidies, or introduce ban on petrol and diesel cars? It would be OK to propose setting targets for the ratio of EVs, charging station deployment and so forth for a certain year.

Japanese car firms to accelerate electric vehicle push