Topic 1: What if…?
1. If you could have only one food for the rest of your life (assuming
that this strange situation would not affect your health), which food would
you choose?
2. If someone's underwear was showing, would you tell them?
3. If you had to choose between love and no money or money and no love
for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Topic 2: Are Japanese universities facing a crisis? how could we and our society
re-evaluate and support the basis of basic research in Universities?"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016 was awarded to Yoshinori
Ohsumi "for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy".
As he commented on the article, " Emphasizing only things that have
immediate value when deciding the direction of research is extremely dangerous.",
he has concerned the recent environment of basic research in Universities.
Here are the questions for discussing "how we and our society could
re-evaluate and support the basis of basic research in Universities?"
1. What kind of problems are caused by seeking immediate values of research?
2. Why has the budget on research (especially basic research) reduced in
these Japanese universities?
3. What actions should universities take to increase their budget(especially
basic research)?