
Should we bring back the seed act?

Topic 1Uniqlo

1. Do you have UNIQLO Items? How many?
2. What are your UNIQLO item reccomendations?
3. Have you ever been to UNIQLO stores in foreign countries?
4. Do you have any persistence/こだわり in your outfit and items?

Topic2Agenda: Should we bring back the seed act?

Abolition of the main crop seeds act/Seed act(主要作物種子法/種子法) was passed in April 2017, and came into effect in April 2018.
In June 2018, a bill to bring back the the main crop seeds act submitted by the 6 opposition parties was deliberated at the House of Representatives Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee, but the ruling party and opposition parties failed to reach an agreement.

1. What are the merits and demerits of abolishing the main crop seeds act/Shushi-ho?

2. The abolition of the main crop seeds act was passed speedily.
Do you think it was discussed enough? Have we reached consent of citizens? If no, should we leave these “difficult” issues to the experts?

3.Should we bring back the main crop seeds act?
