Topic 1. “Furusato Nouzei“ (hometown taxation)
Q1. Do you use “Furusato Nouzei” system? Why and why not?
Q2. Which town do you want to pay your tax to? Why?
Q3. What is the purpose of “Furusato Nouzei”?
Q4. Do you think “Furusato Nouzei” system can correct the tax revenue gap
between local governments? If not, what is the possible solution?
Topic 2. “Off-label” use of drugs
Q1. “Off-label” use is to use approved drugs in unapproved indications
or dosage. So the effect is not guaranteed and unexpected side effects
may occur. It can be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor, and basically
not covered by insurance.
What is Pros and Cons of “off-label” use?
Q2. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug. According to some reports, ivermectin
is highly effective to treat COVID-19 and has been approved in some countries.
In Japan, ivermectin has not been approved to treat COVID-19 but is used
“off-label” and is covered by insurance. Some doctors prescribe it during
home care.
Would you like to use ivermectin if you get infected COVID-19? If yes,
do you want to use it at a hospital or during home care?
Q3. Global health experts have warned that clinical trials were still needed
to establish the efficacy of ivermectin for COVID-19. Do you think Japan
should continue to use ivermectin for COVID-19 as “off-label" use
or should it be prohibited?
Q4. “Off-label” use may be required for diseases for which there is no
cure or for which the best treatment is frequently updated. On the other
hand, inappropriate “off-label” use such as for beauty purposes, should
be avoided. How can we avoid inappropriate “off-label” use, and not interfere
with proper “off-label” use?
“Off-label” use of drugs