1. Subscription service
Q1. What kind of subscription have you joined?
Do you recommend that subscription service?
Q2. What subscriptions are you considering signing up to?
Q3. Have you watched movies/dramas on video streaming service such as Amazon
prime, Nexflix, Hulu etc.? Which kind of contents?
2.Japanese Films/film industry
Agenda: What should be done for supporting film industry in Japan?
Q1. Do you watch movies? In movie theaters, or at home? On TV or on computers?
How often?
Q2. What did you feel/think when you heard the news that "Parasite"
won the Oscar for best picture as the first film not in the English language?
Q3. Have you found/felt/heard difference between of characteristics between
Japanese films/film industry and foreign films/film industry?
Q4. For the future of film industry in Japan, what should be done?
〔政策提言に向けて〕多様な映画のために。映画行政に関するいくつかの問い掛け 深田晃司(映画監督)/独立映画鍋
歴代のカンヌ国際映画祭 過去の作品賞(パルム・ドール)受賞作の一覧
2020年3月14日 → 中止
What should be done for supporting film industry in Japan?