
Can we all work happily?

Topic 1

1. How do you spend your free time?
2. Time is money, do you agree with this?
3. Do you have some strategy in order not to waste your time?
4. If you have more free time, what would you do?

Topic 2
Can we all work happily?

While there was a bold speech※1 by Chizuko Ueno at the entrance ceremony at Tokyo university, I cannot stop feeling that many students do not dream about building their career in their life.
Here's what I want to hear from you.



1. Please tell us about women's way of working around you?

2. Should we, both men and women really have full time job?

3. What hinders women from having full time job?

4. What's needed to make the country that both men and women work happily?

Women still can't reach potential | The Japan Times
