Topic 1. Tell me about your friends
Q1. Describe the most unique friends of you.
Q2. Share a story of how friends have influenced your life.
Q3. Where do you meet new people and make friends?
Topic 2. Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act
By economic globalization, outflow of Japanese high-quality agricultural
products becomes a big issue. Recently, Japanese brand fruits such as “AMAOU”
and “SHINE MUSCUT” were found cultivated in overseas and sold at international
market at cheap price. In order to stop the leakage, Plant Variety Protection
and Seed Act was revised and approved in 2020. However, the revision caused
furious controversy between those for and against.
Original material for better understanding and better discussion (Made
by Alexey):
Reference: Revision of Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act (MAFF)
Q1. Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act in Japan was recently revised
in order to strengthen plant breeder’s rights. Looking at pros and cons
for revising the Act, it seems there are two types of opinions regarding
plant variety protection. Which side do you support?
Type1: Plant breeders deserve to be more rewarded for their contribution
to agriculture.
-Plant breeders spend a lot of money and hard work to create new plant
-We should allow plant breeders to dominate the plant variety in order
to retrieve the investment.
Type2: Strengthening plant variety protection is contrary to public interest.
-Plants are originally natural resources and they are essential for survival
of human beings.
-It’s unfair that some giant corporations are dominating plant varieties,
threatening food security and making large profits.
Q2. One of the purposes of the revision is to limit the outflow of high-quality
registered plant varieties to foreign countries. How effective will it
Q3. What strategy should Japan take in order to effectively protect or
use the intellectual property of plants?
Japan Approves Revised Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act