I am proud to say that I passed the certification exam for international
Kikisakeshi ! Yay!! I am excited that I can introduce Japanese culture
to the world with a little bit of added knowledge.
Anyway, we would have welcomed millions of people from all over the world
due to Olympic games, if there weren’t corona pandemic.
This would have been great opportunity for introducing our beautiful culture
to the world such as our amazing cuisine, living style, annual events or
our personalities etc...
For the next opportunity, I would like to talk about it today.
Part 1
1. What kind of Japanese culture you adore the most?
2. Which culture you experienced in the past but not anymore?
3. What culture do you want to introduce to people from overseas?
4. How can we keep this beautiful Japanese culture for the future?
Part 2 How do we support the industries which are damaged greatly by Corona
We are still facing at unexpected long-term suffering from corona pandemic.
Yes, we all are stressed out, but we might all agree that people who suffer
the most are those in food industry.
Please see the link below. This sake brewery is located in Yamaguchi and
known for their amazing sake within Japan and shipped greatly to overseas.
日経新聞で5月24日に意見広告を出します - 獺祭の蔵元|旭酒造株式会社 (asahishuzo.ne.jp)
English resource:
'It's hell': Tokyo restaurants angered at bearing brunt of endless virus
measures - The Mainichi
from May 29, 2021 (Mainichi Japan)
1. How have your dining-out life changed after pandemic?
2. Though professionals say situation will be better if the government
demands restaurant close or partially close for the moment, do you think
this demand is reasonable?
3. Do you think vaccine will change the situation completely? Why or why
4. How do we support such industry, including food or alcohol supplier,
or further, tourism industry, cinema industry, department store, any industry
which are damaged greatly by Corona pandemic.
How do we support the industries which are damaged greatly by Corona pandemic?