Topic 1: Travel
Since 2020, Holidays mean staying home and Netflix. Don’t you miss holidays
with flight tickets and a big suitcase?
Q1 How often did you travel before the Covid-19 pandemic? Are you waiting
for your next adventure?
Q2 Plan your dream itinerary. Let’s forget the budget for a moment. Would
you like to enjoy mountain trails, white-sand beaches, ancient castles,
or Onsen and ryokan cuisine?
Q3 Share your past travel experiences. Any places you want to visit again?
Q4 Vaccine passports are being adopted globally. Do you think it will be
a game-changer?
Topic 2: Ransomware attacks
The number of ransom cyberattacks is sharply increasing recently. Cyber
hacking on Colonial Pipeline and JBS, a beef supplier, had a huge impact
on society. Bitcoin helps hackers to receive ransom without traces. Their
purpose is clear. Money. These giant companies couldn’t resist and they
paid millions of dollars. This is not something that is just happening
to other countries. Each of us could be a victim at any moment. What if
KEPCO is hit by a cyberattack and the power goes out in midsummer?
Q1 If you are a CEO and are responsible for making a decision, what would
you do if cybercriminals attack your business and demand a ransom payment?
Q2 What should governments do to prevent cybercriminal activities? Should
ransom paying be illegal?
Q3 What can each individual do to prepare for future cyber attacks? Even
if one company is attacked, our daily life might be affected because we
all live under the computer network.
Colonial hack: How did cyber-attackers shut off pipeline?
A major meat producer was hacked. Here's what you need to know
Ransomware attacks