Topic1 Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize laureates in 2020 were announced this month.
Since the prize started in 1901, more than 900 individuals and organizations
have been awarded.
Let's talk about Nobel Prize winners and their achievements.
Q1. Who is your favorite Nobel Prize winner?
Q2. What was he/she awarded for?
Q3. Which country will be the most awarded in the future?
Q4. How does science and technology policy affect the Nobel Prize win of
a country?
Topic2 What is CRISPR/Cas9?
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 was awarded to two women scientists,
Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna.
They developed a revolutionary method for genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9.
Please watch a YouTube video below the link and learn how our society can
be changed by using the technology.
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR
*If necessary, Japanese subtitles are available (see the settings of the
Q1. If these CRISPR/Cas9 applications are approved, what will our society
look like?
1) Eradication of cancer
2) Anti-aging therapy
3) Designer babies
Q2. How can we maintain a high level of ethics, reliability, and transparency
in genome editing research?