Topic 1 New Year Holidays
1. Did you go to shrines and/or temples on the New Year holidays?
2. On the New Year holidays, I watched YouTube and found the video I liked. It was the advertisement of Coke in late 1980s.
What are your favorite videos such as dramas, documentaries, and contents of YouTube?
And why?
3. On January 2nd, I attended the reunion of the same grade of my junior high school and talked about various things with my old friends, including his/her history after we met years ago.
I think you had several events later becoming your turning points in your life.
Please explain the event.
Topic 2 Shift from Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles to Battery Electric Vehicles
The unprecedented change in the automobile industry is underway.
The key words for describing this change are “connected”, “autonomous”, “shared”, and “electric”. Its fancy acronym is CASE.
Major players in the automobile industry have been investing a huge amount of money in CASE, especially E (battery electric vehicles) for their survival in the future.
Now we want to discuss automobiles and electric vehicles.
1. We often watch the advertisement of automotive companies. For establishing and improving their brands and showing the rosy life with cars.
But, a lot of people are killed by traffic accidents every year, and cars exhaust harmful gasses to people and the environment.
Do you support the advertisement for promoting cars? ,
2. Some people heavily rely on cars. Transportation and/or a liking. Other people, especially people living in urban areas including Osaka metropolitan areas, do not. They can choose a mode of transportation from cars, taxis, buses, trains and so on.
What do you think about automobiles?
3. According to the report of a market research company, the market share of battery electric vehicles in 2025 will be about 10% worldwide. So, 90% of cars will still contain a combustion engine.
What do you think about the impact of this shift, from combustion engine vehicles to battery electric vehicles, on us, including our merits and demerits (risks)?
I think the shift toward battery electric vehicles is irreversible, but I want to ask whether you support it or not.
Related articles:
The ongoing electric vehicle war
Electric vehicles, touted as next big thing, still in their infancy