
MMT – Heliocentric Theory of Economics or Just A Scam Theory?



Toipc1: Are you Prepared for Natural Disasters?

It’s been 10 years since Great East Japan earthquake. As we live in Japan, natural disasters are inevitable. So, Let’s talk about preparation for natural disasters.

Q1. Share your experience of natural disasters.

Q2. What do you prepare for natural disasters? e.g., Food and water stocks, first-aid kit, etc.

Q3. How can you live comfortably without lifeline (i.e., water, gas, electricity)? Share your tips and ideas.

Topic2: MMT – Heliocentric Theory of Economics or Just A Scam Theory?

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is very controversial economic theory. Some experts say MMT is like heliocentric theory of economics, while other experts say it’s just a scam theory. At first, MMT sounds so radical, but as you know it, you will realize its interesting point of view on economy.

Q1. We buy goods or services in exchange with money. Wait, please calm down! Money is just a piece of paper. Why everyone believes just a piece of paper valuable?

Q2. Japan has the highest gross government debt to GDP ratio among the major advanced economies. Ministry of Finance argues that financial reconstruction is necessary, otherwise credibility of Japanese Government Bond (JGB) will be lost. Meanwhile now, the interest rate of JGB is the lowest in history, which means everyone considers JGB is one of the SAFEST assets. How can you explain this contradiction? Is financial reconstruction really necessary?

Q3. Bank of Japan has the right of issuing currency. Bank of Japan is “substantially” under control of government (“formally” independent from it, though). As far as being very careful to inflation rate, it seems to be possible to cover the government expenditure by issuing currency without putting heavy taxes on citizens. What do you think?

【5分で】東大生が教える現代貨幣理論(MMT)入門 前編
【15分で全体がわかる】東大生が教える現代貨幣理論(MMT)入門 後編