Topic 1
Songs and Sounds
I recently went to Karaoke Box and remembered many of the songs and music
I have listened to and sung.
Q1: What songs do you like for singing in Karaoke, not for just listening?
Q2: What songs do you listen to for relaxation?
If you do not listen to songs very much, what sounds do you listen to for
Q3: What songs and sounds do you listen to when you have to cheer you up?
What songs and sounds do you think are the most exciting?
Q4: What song is the best for you in your whole lifetime?
Topic 2
What style, what figure of Royal family is ideal for us, our society, and
the members of the royal family in this period of time and future?
Princess Mako and her boyfriend Komuro Kei married on 26th of this month.
The media has been frequently reporting each process of their marriage
for these four years since they announced their engagement to the public
in 2017.
The Japanese constitution says, "Marriage shall be based only on the
mutual consent of both sexes".
I personally think their marriage should not be interfered with even by
the fact that Mr. Komuro's mother has financial problems.
However, it seems there are many opinions against their marriage.
Q1: Are you happy with their marriage? If you are not, what are the reasons?
Q2: What necessity do you think the members of the royal family have for
our society and nation?
Q3: The pressure and excessive media coverage causes huge stresses on the
members. To some degree, it is inevitable, but at a certain point, their
privacy, their individual rights should be protected.
Based on the roles they have to play in this nation, what restrictions
do they have to own and what rights should they keep as human as we enjoy
our freedom?
Q4: In the future, what style, what figure of the royal family is ideal
for us, our society, and our nation, and for them, the members of the royal
In other words, how should we take a balance between their individual rights
as humans and their duty for our nation?
①Do not monopolize time.
②Stick to the topic and the questions.
③Make your opinion concise.