
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games



Topic1: April, Start of New Life
Now it's in the middle of February. Many people are preparing for their new lives,starting from April, as freshmen at college and work with excitement and a little anxiety.

1. Let's talk about our happy memory and experience when we were freshmen.

2. How about our embarrassing experience?

3. I think we have been meeting a lot of people since then.
   Let's talk about persons influencing us.

Topic 2: The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
This year the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will be scheduled from July 21 to August 8 and feature a record 33 competitions and 339 events held across 42 competition venues, followed by the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
We enthusiastically supported Tokyo hosting the Games and Tokyo successfully won the Games. Unfortunately, due to COVID 19, we were obliged to postpone the Gamesfrom 2020 to 2021.
The current situations in 2021 are as follows:
On the one hand, many countries and people including us are being afflicted by COVID 19, on the other hand, worldwide countermeasures against COVID 19 are gradually becoming effective and the viruses have successfully been developed.
But, I think, judging from the remaining period to the Games, only 5 months, and the preparations to welcome the athletes and tourists from Japan and abroad, we are in the phase of deciding whether we can carry out the Games as scheduled or not.

1. Please share your experience, memory, and expectation about the Olympic
and Paralympic Games?

2.Mr. Mori, President of the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee, made an inappropriate comment seeming to accept the discrimination of women. His comment disappointed many people worldwide. And a series of responses from the related organizations, including the Suga Cabinet, the Liberal Democratic Party, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the International Olympic Committee was also disappointing. I think this incident shows the organizational and managerial issues concerning the Games.

2-1 What organizational and managerial issues do these related organizations have?
2-2 What organization and management is ideal for hosting the Games?

3. Please share your opinions about which you support, carrying out the Games as scheduled, postponing again, or abandoning, with the reasons?

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